Kamis, 21 April 2011

Tugas 2 (B.Inggris Bisnis 2)

1.       ‘Tell me why you’re interested in learning this subject ?’
‘Economics … to explain the phenomena in Business World.’
A.    try
B.     tries
C.     are trying
D.    have tried
E.     trying
The answer is B. tries (pluralization)
2.      ‘What’s on the news today ?’
‘The policeman … caught the criminal.’
A.     have
B.       has
C.       had
D.      having
E.       is having
The answer is B. has (perfect)
3.      ‘After traveling across the country, I think Toronto … the busiest city in Canada.’
A.    was
B.      were
C.      is
D.     are
E.      be
The answer is C. is (tobe)
4.       ‘You should sleep early tonight because we start our journey tomorrow and five hundred miles … a long distance to drive in one day.’
A.    to be
B.     are being
C.     it is
D.    are
E.     is
The answer is D. are (tobe)
  1. ‘After the incident at the border yesterday, the army has reinforced … strength this morning.’
A.    its
B.     it’s
C.     theirs
D.    their
E.     our
The answer is D. their (possessive adjective)
  1. ‘Children, tell me the functions of these tools !’
‘Scissors … to cut thin materials.’
A.    used
B.     is used
C.     are used
D.    use
E.     uses
The answer is C. are used (tobe + verb 2)
  1. ‘’According to the recipe, I need seven … to make this chicken pie.’
A.    potato
B.     potatos
C.     potatoes
D.    potatii
E.     potatees
The answer is C. potatoes (pluralization)
  1. ‘There are a lot of disasters in Indonesia these days.’
‘Yes. And now, the earthquake and tsunami phenomena always … a lot of
A.    fascinate
B.     fascinates
C.     fascinated
D.    fascinating
E.     is fascinated
The answer is A. fascinate (verb 1)
  1. Which of these sentences is correct ?
A.    Car made loud noise
B.     Car made a loud noise
C.     A car made the loud noise
D.    The car made a loud noise
E.     The car made the loud noise
The answer is D. The car made a loud noise (statement)
  1.  Jim : Can I use that car ?
Mark : No. It’s … car.
A.    my mother – in – law
B.     my mother’s – in –law
C.     my mother – in – law’s
D.    my mothers – in – law
E.     my mother – in – laws
The answer is C. my mother – in – law’s (demonstratives pronoun)
  1. ‘The old man’s house is old.’
‘Yes. One of … windows is broken.’
A.    them
B.     their
C.     it’s
D.    its
E.     it
The answer is D. its (possessive adjective)
  1.  ‘Where we will sleep tonight ?’
‘Ann is going to share her room with …, isn’t she ?’
A.    you and me
B.     you and I
C.     I and you
D.    me and you
E.     we
The answer is A. you and me (personal pronoun – object)
  1. ‘What’s said in the memo ?’
‘You and … are expected to be present at the student representative meeting.’
A.    I
B.     me
C.     my
D.    mine
E.     myself
The answer is A. I (personal pronoun – subject)
  1. ‘The students must be made to understand how each lesson can be value to …’
‘I absolutely agree with you.’
A.    him
B.     they
C.     them
D.    it
E.     he
The answer is C. them (personal pronoun – object)
  1. ‘How does Jarohi play guitar ?’
‘As well as … do.’
A.    I
B.     me
C.     my
D.    mine
E.     myself
The answer is A. I (personal pronoun – subject)
  1. ‘Anything happens to you, don’t forget that … mother and father love you.’
A.    you
B.     your
C.     yours
D.    yourself
E.     your’s
The answer is B. your (possessive adjective)
  1. ‘Vito and I have a lot in common”
‘Yes, your ideas, … somewhat unusual to me.’
A.    like he, are
B.     like him, is
C.     like his, is
D.    like himself, are
E.     like his, are
The answer is B. like him, is (personal pronoun – object and tobe)
  1. ‘’Is this your book ?’
‘This doesn’t look like … book, it must be … ‘
A.    my / yours
B.     mine / your
C.     your / mine
D.    yours / my
E.     mine / yours
The answer is A. my / yours (possessive adjective and possessive pronoun)
  1. ‘What’s the decision ?’
‘I don’t know yet. The committee are still arguing among … ‘
A.    they
B.     them
C.     their
D.    theirs
E.     themselves
The answer is E. themselves (reflexive)
  1. Mother : What are you doing ?
Children : Chatting
Mother : What ! You waste your time. You get … from that.
A.    something
B.     anything
C.     none
D.    nothing
E.     no one
The answer is D. nothing (indefinite pronoun – negatif)
  1. ‘Does … know where my glasses ?’
‘You’re wearing them. Why you’re always so forgetful ?’
A.    somebody
B.     someone
C.     everybody
D.    everyone
E.     anybody
The answer is E. anybody (indefinite pronoun – interogatif)
  1. ‘… of the bread has been taken from its box.’
‘No one likes it.’
A.    some
B.     something
C.     nothing
D.    any
E.     none
The answer is A. some (indefinite pronoun – positif)
  1. ‘Who wants to go with me to the orchestra ?’
‘… of us want to go to the orchestra.’
A.    every
B.     each
C.     one
D.    all
E.     on
The answer is D. all (pluralization)
  1. A : Look at the picture on the wall !
B : … is a beautiful picture.
A.    one
B.     any
C.     these
D.    that
E.     those
The answer is D. that (demonstrative pronoun)
  1. ‘Who is the main talking to you last night ?’
‘The man … I talked to last night was my brother.’
A.    whom
B.      which
C.     when
D.    to when
E.     where
The answer is A. whom (relative pronoun)

  1. “… his own assignments, Sony offered to help friends.”
A.    when finished
B.     he finishes
C.     having finished
D.    finished
E.     after finished
The answer is C. having finished (perfect)
  1. “… the money, Tarwan left for his home town.”
A.    having received
B.     had received
C.     after he receives
D.    being received
E.     he had received
The answer is A. having received (perfect)

  1. “We always avoid … to the mall on Sunday because it’s too crowded.”
A.    go
B.     to go
C.     be gone
D.    going
E.     to going
The answer is D. going (gerund)
  1. “What was he interested in ?”
“… paleontology.”
A.    learn
B.     learning
C.     to learn
D.    learned
E.     learns
The answer is B. learning (gerund)
  1.  “These floors always look dirty in spite of … everyday.”
A.    sweeping
B.     being sweeping
C.     swept
D.    being swept
E.     to sweep
The answer is D. being swept (passive present continous)
  1. Bob : “I’m going out tonight.”
John : “Would you mind … the key to the house ?”
A.    to leave
B.     leave
C.     to leaving
D.    leaves
E.     leaving
The answer is E. leaving (gerund)

  1.  “Doel Fajri completely denied … the money.”
A.    steals
B.     stealing
C.     to steal
D.    stole
E.     stolen
The answer is B. stealing (gerund)
  1. “What’s your hobby ?”
“… stamps.”
A.    collect
B.     to collect
C.     collecting
D.    collected
E.     collects
The answer is C. collecting (gerund)
  1. “Can Rosa accept her parent’s divorce ?”
“No. She isn’t mature enough ...”.
A.    understand
B.     to understand
C.     understanding
D.    to understanding
E.     understands
The answer is B. to understand (to + infinitive)
  1. “I wonder where Dadang is.”
“Don’t you know the committee forced him …?”
A.    resigning
B.     resign
C.     to resign
D.    resigned
E.     to resigning
The answer is C. to resign (to + infinitive)
  1.  “The poor woman can’t afford … a dress.”
A.    buy
B.     buys
C.     buying
D.    to buy
E.     bought
The answer is A. buy (verb 1)
  1.  “I smell something … in the kitchen.”
A.    burnt
B.     burns
C.     has burnt
D.    burning
E.     to burn
The answer is D. burning (gerund)
  1.  “I had to ask the soldier …”
A.    stop firing
B.     to stop firing
C.     to stop to fire
D.    stopping to fire
E.     stop to fire
The answer is B. to stop firing (to + infinitive)
  1. “What did the tacher tell us ?”
“He told us … noisy.”
A.    don’t be
B.     not being
C.     didn’t be
D.    not to be
E.     don’t being
The answer is D. not to be (indirect)
  1. “Do you object to … on the table.”
“Yes. You sit on the cake.”
A.    I sit
B.     my sitting
C.     me sit
D.    I sitting
E.     my sit
The answer is B. my sitting (gerund)
  1.  Rudy : “What are you looking forward ?”
Toni : “… my old friends.”
A.    to seeing
B.     see
C.     seeing
D.    to see
E.     seen
The answer is to seeing (to + gerund)
  1. “When you go camping, don’t forget to bring … bags.”
A.    sleep
B.     sleeping
C.     to sleep
D.    slept
E.     sleepy
The answer is B. sleeping (gerund)
  1. “The siling boy clapped his hands.”
It means :
A.    They boy is smiling and clapping his hands.
B.     The boy clapped his hands and smiled.
C.     Clapping his hands, the boy is smiling.
D.     The boy with a smile on his face clapped his hands.
E.     The clapping boy is smiling.
The answer is D. The boy with a smile on his face clapped his hands. (passive)

  1. “I am bored the show is very …”
A.    bore
B.      to bore
C.      bored
D.    to be bored
E.     boring
The answer is E. boring (gerund)
  1. “We thought of … across France. We’re rather tired of … by train.”
A.    driving / go
B.     to drive / to go
C.      to drive / going
D.    driving / going
E.     driving / to go
The answer is D. driving / going (gerund)
  1. “When at last I succeeded in … him that I wanted home quickly, he put his foot on the accelerator and felt the car … forward.”
A.    convincing / to get / to leap
B.     to convince / to get / leaping
C.      to convince / getting / to leap
D.    convincing / getting / leaping
E.     convincing / to get / leaping
The answer is D. convincing / getting / leaping (gerund)
  1. X : “Bob smoked when he was in College. Does he now ?’
Y : “Yes”
A.    Bob smoked but now he quits somoking.
B.     Bob used to smoking.
C.     Bob used to smoke.
D.    Bob’ used to smoking.
E.     Bob doesn’t smoke anymore.
The answer is B. Bob used to smoking. (gerund)

  1. “I always … the sun … every morning.”
A.    watch / to be rising
B.      watch / to rise
C.     watching / rises
D.    watch / rising
E.     watching / rising
The answer is C. watching / rises (gerund and pluralization)
  1. “I don’t know where … in this holiday.”
A.    go
B.     to go
C.     going
D.    went
E.     gone
The answer is B. to go (to + infinitive)
  1. “The car is always hard to start.”
“I think it needs …”
A.    repair
B.     to repair
C.     repaired
D.     repairing
E.     to be repaired
The answer is E. to be repaired (passive infinitive)

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